Conserving an excellent condition Model 1871/84 Mauser – but why?

A recent addition to the collection is an excellent condition, ‘all-matching numbers’, Model 1871/84 Mauser. The reason it's in such great condition is because it appears to be unissued as it’s missing the tell-tale regimental markings that the old...

Stock Escutcheon Nut Test

I have the new die to clean up the old stock bolt threads but I don’t think it’ll be quite suitable. I’ll need to get another die that’s adjustable and work the steel in more gradual amounts. I did...

One down; two to go! The Brazilian Comblain Carbine fixes!

Today was quite productive with one of the Brazilian Comblain Carbine fixes complete. The small retention locking screw for the action was finished off and blued. It's now in-place and is a perfect fit. The new replacement screw now...

Brazilian Comblain Carbine Stock Escutcheon Nut Underway

A two week Easter break is so far proving fruitful with the stock escutcheon nut recreation underway. I was going to start with some 5mm brass sheet but decided on using 20mm round bar stock after the sheet was...